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Welcome Back Dancers!

Exciting New Season at Dancers' Turn Begins!


As Dancers' Turn begins a new season, we are all excited to get back to class, start learning and reconnecting with our Dance friends.  We will continue to strive to make your dance experience a positive and successful one.  We ask that you please read the studio brochure as well as this Newsletter completely. And, as is always our policy, should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to bring them to us. We are happy to assist you however we are able.


During the first few weeks of the season, please be aware that your class times may change. These changes are sometimes necessary, and both students and parents must be aware of them. Your cooperation in this is greatly appreciated. Everyone at Dancers' Turn wishes you a great dancing year!


It's Not Too Late To Register!

Did you want to take an extra class this year, but forgot to ask? Did your cousin, neighbor or friend want to enroll, but missed Open House? Well it's not too late. There are still openings in many of the classes. But don't delay as we do limit our class sizes. Secure your place today by stopping in the office or giving us a call.


Tuition Payment Policies

During the second last class of each month, envelopes will be given to each family containing your monthly billing statement. These will note your monthly tuition due, past balances due, late fees and other charges. All payments are due the first class of the month, and the envelopes and statements should be returned on that day with the appropriate payment. Any tuition payments received after the 10th of the month will be assessed a late charge. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Any students over one month late on tuition will not be allowed to participate in class until the account is current.

Your December payment will include the amount due for costume deposits; and for families with multiple children and/or classes, this can be a biggie! Also, your April payment will include your family's Recital fee.


On our Studio Picture Day you will receive your Final Billing Statement. This will include all tuition monies due, costume balances dues, fees due and reflect any credits you may have. Your final balance is due your first class in June, and must be settled before you will receive your complimentary Recital tickets. IF ANY ACCOUNT IS NOT PAID IN FULL BY REHEARSAL YOUR DANCER WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PERFORM AT THE RECITAL!!  This will be strictly enforced! No exceptions will be made.


Did you hear?!

We are happy to announce that we now accept payments through paypal.

Please set this up only thru your checking account (not credit card)

The address is:

Should you have a question regarding your bill at any time, feel free to ask. Your prompt payment of tuition is greatly appreciated!


Dressing for Dance

As you should be aware from the Studio Brochure, we do have a dress code for all classes. THIS DRESS CODE WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED! Students will not be permitted to dance unless they are dressed properly.

The reasons for this are that in order for a student to learn properly, the teacher must be able to visually see what the dancer is doing with the entire body. The teacher must be able to see if the student is using the correct technique to achieve each movement. The improper use of muscles, poor posture and/or incorrect body alignment can result in undue strain and stress on the body causing injury over an extended period of time.

We understand that each student is a unique individual however, and we therefore leave style and color choices to the student. Just remember, no jeans of any kind (pants, skirts or shorts) are allowed. Should you have any questions concerning the dress code, or wonder whether something is appropriate for class, please feel free to ask your teacher. Also remember, ALL HAIR MUST BE PULLED UP. Please secure hair in a ponytail or a bun using a hair rubber band.

Boys MUST wear warm up pants, sweatpants, shorts or workout pants – any other material is unacceptable as it doesn’t move or stretch how we need it to.  If you are unsure – don’t wear it.


Points to Remember

* If you are dropping your children off and returning later PLEASE be sure to stop in once a month to check the bulletin board for new announcements and updates. We try to make sure parents stay informed, but we have found that the bottoms of dance bags are black holes that absorb newsletters and notices! And we always enjoy seeing our parents.

* If you have any questions or concerns during the year, please feel free to speak with us. We want to be sure our students and parents alike have a positive and enjoyable dance experience.

* Whenever any student is leaving the Studio, please tell your teacher. This is for you own safety and protection.

* Students should not bring cell phones to dance classes. If a parent needs to get in touch with their child, they can always call the Studio. There is no one the student needs to worry about calling in the time they are at the Studio and in class. Unfortunately, due to the high number of cell phones coming into the Studio and disrupting classes we must be firm and request that all students leave cell phones at home.


Dance Notebooks

Our younger students will be required to bring a single subject notebook with them to dance class each week. Please be sure the student's name is marked on the outside front cover. These notebooks will be used for the entire year to record the steps they have learned, the steps of their dance for the Recital and the words and steps for the Finale.

The students should take these notebooks home each week to practice, allowing them to learn much faster and more thoroughly. The writing of the steps helps students remember the terms used and associate the words with the movements.

Also, we will again be giving each dancer a copy of their music on CD so they have their song(s) to practice with. A $1.00 fee will be added into your December bill to cover the cost of the CD's and you will receive your CD after Christmas break.


Let’s have a Great Year and have some Fun!!

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